Apartments planned for former Cool Moose property in Warren

Bristol residents hope to build at least 18 units on Metacom Avenue land

By Ted Hayes
Posted 1/29/21

A Metacom Avenue property formerly owned by Cool Moose Party founder Robert Healey could soon be the site of an 18-unit apartment complex, and an engineer said it is possible that more apartments …

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Apartments planned for former Cool Moose property in Warren

Bristol residents hope to build at least 18 units on Metacom Avenue land


A Metacom Avenue property formerly owned by Cool Moose Party founder Robert Healey could soon be the site of an 18-unit apartment complex, and an engineer said it is possible that more apartments could follow in the future.

Bristol residents Denise and Michael O'Brien hope to build the complex on the eastern portion of the 2.18-acre lot at 665 Metacom Ave., which currently has a small bungalow on it. Last week, engineer David D'Amico introduced the project to members of the Warren Planning Board. He said early plans are to build approximately 12 two-bedroom units and six single units there.

Though the development would fill only the eastern half of the rectangular lot, Mr. D'Amico told board members that the western portion could also be developed at some point. Plans show the home remaining, with an entryway into the development just to the north.

"In the future, I believe if this ends up being successful for the O'Briens, we would like to see if we could put another building or two into the rest of the property," Mr. D'Amico said.

The property was owned by Mr. Healey, a well-known attorney and Cool Moose Party founder, when he died in 2016. In his will, Mr. Healey left the home and land to a family trust but gave friend Jade Gotauco a defeasible life estate interest in the home, allowing her to stay there until all involved parties agreed to sell the property.

Denise O'Brien purchased the property for $300,000 in mid-December.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email