Letter: Please leave the sidewalks on Monroe Avenue alone

Posted 1/25/24

A sidewalk is not just to walk on, it’s a safe place to be when you’re trying to do some outside work or hear a car coming.

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Letter: Please leave the sidewalks on Monroe Avenue alone


To the editor:

I recently reviewed a letter from the Town of Bristol Department of Community Development planner Nicholas Toth. They have a plan to either replace, remove, or install new sidewalks on Monroe Avenue. For me, this means the section from Bayview to Franklin Street.

They state that these sidewalks are extremely narrow. I measured them and they are four feet wide on both sides. They intend to eliminate sidewalks on the Monroe east side, facing towards Wood Street, widening the west side facing towards High Street. That side would get the width of the east side added, making one large sidewalk. There are tight spots on both sides where the property owners allow buses to grow beyond their land and onto the sidewalks.

As a 65-year resident of Monroe Avenue, whose driveway nearly matches the east end of Oliver Street, I have seen and talked to most of the other residents as they move in or out. No one has ever complained about the sidewalks being too narrow or not very accessible, except where property owners allow bushes to grow out onto the sidewalk. If the east sidewalk is removed, that empty space will become part of Monroe Avenue. Traffic will now come within inches of my fence, and other residents’ fences and walls.

A sidewalk is not just to walk on, it’s a safe place to be when you’re trying to do some outside work or hear a car coming.

One more problem, which comes up when large trucks come up Oliver Street and have to turn left on Monroe Avenue (it’s a one-way towards Bayview). Even now some trucks, rather than make the right turn, they back up to High Street. A large fire truck tried the turn in the past and scraped some trim off of the telephone pole. Making the west sidewalk larger by adding the width of the east side to it would mean they would have to make a larger, wider turn, causing more damage than has been done in the past.

I’ve been told that a final decision has yet to be made on this project, but the planner seems to want it as is. I hope that you and those in the know will take advantage of my years of experience watching the traffic on Monroe Avenue, Franklin to Bayview. Please leave the sidewalks as they are four feet on both sides, and possibly save time for other projects.

John Camara
46 Monroe Ave.

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.