268 results total, viewing 151 - 175
In a recent New York Times column, writer Frank Bruni opined that the country had reached its surfeit of “crazy,” as evidenced by the paltry showing of national Republicans during the … more
Considering the option of hospice, or even just hearing the word “hospice,” often comes at a stressful and chaotic time, so having a baseline understanding of how hospice works falls … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Every now and then, the tectonic plates of Rhode Island politics shift, as campaign season fades and a fresh batch of leaders takes on new roles. We’re seeing that to some … more
In Rhode Island, fisheries play a huge role in our economy and our way of life, but lately, we are seeing some concerning trends in our local fisheries. Anglers are experiencing climate impacts on … more
Former school committee chairperson Erin Schofield, who opted not to run again after eight years of service, gave the following statement during Monday night’s school committee meeting. more
I ran for a public an independent. And lost. Everybody thinks of victory, like vengeance, as sweet. A car that doesn't work well is called a lemon. If you don't reap a reward, you call … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Allan Fung was visibly deflated when he walked into Twin Oaks last week to hug supporters and concede defeat in a campaign that many people expected him to win. Two elements made … more
We drove east — and south and north? — from East Providence to pay a late autumn visit to the Cape…”Cod," of course. We took over a beach dwelling, like the literary … more
As Rhode Islanders go to the polls to vote, at least the abolition of slavery will not be on the ballot. Elsewhere in five states, Alabama, Louisiana, Oregon, Tennesee and Vermont, voters will decide … more
The out-of-town frame on the CD2 race is mainly about how a potential win by GOP candidate Allan Fung in a Democrat-leaning Rhode Island reflects a tough national outlook for President Biden’s … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: What’s more surprising – that CD2 Democrat Jim Langevin said nice things about Republican Allan Fung when Langevin endorsed a fellow Dem during the primary, or that … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: It was easy to anticipate the dynamic heading into two gubernatorial debates last week: Gov. Dan McKee would try to use the typical incumbent tack of avoiding miscues; GOP … more
I am so pleased to once again be able to write to the people of East Providence. And I am once again asking you to vote in the upcoming elections. I ask this for a couple of reasons. Voting is … more
The Harvest Moon holds appeal for people from a global range of cultures. We celebrate here at Thanksgiving and like to think we are thanking the indigenous tribes for helping us to prepare the local … more
Look up from your cell phone. Please. The sky is on fire. Don’t miss it. Foliage is transitioning to flame and to tangerine and to ochre. These colors, hidden in summer, are becoming visible as … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: CD2 Republican Allan Fung is projecting a sunny disposition in ads and media appearances while making his case in Rhode Island’s Second Congressional District. This serves a … more
My parents always taught us to be gracious in victory as well as in defeat. One event that should be a source of gratitude to others and respect for a vanguished opponent is a stunning victory in a … more
The fight for governor between Republican Ashley Kalus and Democrat Dan McKee has seemingly shifted into a new gear, with both campaigns aggressively going at each other amid an occasional misstep. … more
There’s an unfortunate trend continuing in Rhode Island and across the nation that must be stopped: the bad behavior of coaches, parents and fans at high school athletic … more
By David Cole and Jack Reynolds Most people who live in Westport believe that it is a very special place. Each has his or her own special feature — Horseneck Beach and its dunes, gorgeous … more
Last month’s column discussed what grief can look and feel like and the different stages of grief. Adjusting to the death of someone close to us takes time, and the expression “grief … more
Welcome to Westport Health Notes, a monthly column from the Westport Board of Health (BOH). The goal is to share information with our community about local issues and projects, public health alerts, … more
Talking Politics   Editor’s note: This column was filed prior to Tuesday’s Primary Election.   STORY OF THE WEEK: The top questions heading into Rhode Island’s … more
STORY OF THE WEEK: Televised debates on WPRI and WJAR last week offered a window into the state of the Democratic primaries for governor and the 2 nd Congressional District. Rivals tried piling on … more
On Labor Day we honor the achievements of America’s workers, and in 2022 we have a historic victory to celebrate. Our nation’s working people have come all the way back from the depths of … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.