Letter: Levesque responds to critics of Town Council

Posted 4/16/24

To the editor:

  I reference letters that appeared in this paper recently, one from Mr. Fitzmorris and the other from Mr. Grieb, both of whom I believe are familiar to your readers. Each …

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Letter: Levesque responds to critics of Town Council


To the editor:

 I reference letters that appeared in this paper recently, one from Mr. Fitzmorris and the other from Mr. Grieb, both of whom I believe are familiar to your readers. Each takes issue with certain events of recent note involving the Town Council of Town of Portsmouth. 

Mr. Fitzmorris and Mr. Grieb contend that the town had some form of secret initiative with respect to the transfer station. I was criticized by people who attended the public meeting upon an accusation that I had already made up my mind; those people seem to pay no mind to the fact that one of the councilor’s spouse was in the foyer of the public hearing soliciting signatures to defeat any sort of closing of the transfer station. 

There is a suggestion that the town has made up its mind about the future of the transfer station. Even a casual observer would have noted that during the public hearing there were two votes (myself included) inclined to close the transfer station. That was one vote clearly adamantly opposed; the other four members of the council were certainly not committed and my read was that they were not at all enthusiastic about closing the transfer station. 

We will shortly have a proposal and I’m assuming a new public hearing to discuss the findings of the request for proposal that was made with regard to trash disposal. I will be as surprised as anyone by the outcome of any vote, pro or con. 

Briefly there was some concern expressed about the conduct of the council regarding a rotary in the area of Clements’ Marketplace, a complaint that we did not share share the engineering plans that had been deposited with the town. The DOT directly and explicitly deposited those engineering plans for the review particularly by the public safety people in town. It was with a clear understanding let the documents would not be shared outside of the town government proper. I assume this has something to do with their bidding rules for proposed construction, but it did not matter: We received it upon expressed condition that we would keep it proprietary and we did. 

Mr. Fitzmorris also made reference to an attorney general finding of conduct some two years ago that the town executive session went beyond the limits of that session. The AG found the violation but considered it so minor that is did not impose any penalty. They also suggest that we are somehow delinquent in some of filings that are required by the state respect to our pension.

An earnest review of our records and contact with the relevant state entity does not reveal any failure. However, if there is, I’m sure we will attend to it. It would be more constructive if they were more specific about the matter and perhaps we could resolve the question. Thank you.

Charles Levesque

Portsmouth Town Council

542 Park Ave.


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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.