To the editor:
Well, it has been some time since I last opined on things Warren. My previous contribution was with regard to the shameless and irresponsible disposal of dog poo bags adorning the …
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To the editor:
Well, it has been some time since I last opined on things Warren. My previous contribution was with regard to the shameless and irresponsible disposal of dog poo bags adorning the trees and bushes along Schoolhouse Road. That was about a year ago.
This year's rendition will address the absolutely ridiculous number of Fireball nip bottles that line the gutters along Child Street, particularly in the eastern end and along Wilbur Ave.
On any given day, one could easily tally into the hundreds the number of discarded empty nip bottles, the lion's share being Fireball. Not only is it disgusting, it is irresponsible and unlawful. It violates no littering statute, it violated open container in a motor vehicle statute and, quite likely, it violates DUI laws.
So, what is being done about it? Seemingly nothing.
Here's the deal; pull over more vehicles for everyday moving violations; speeding, erratic operation, seatbelt violations, failure to signal, texting while driving and you will more likely than not, also nail down some other violations such as open containers, using THC while driving or others.
Or, do nothing and watch the Fireball empties continue to accumulate along our curbstones.
Sooner or later, one of these irresponsible operators will hit something or someone. Maybe then, something will be done about it?
Peter Jannitto