No Fluke

Block Island fishing tourney is getting bigger every year


It’s not too early to sign up for one of the summer’s most popular fishing events.

“We are thrilled that the Block Island Inshore Fishing Tournament keeps growing. Last year we grew by more than 50 percent. We think we found a great formula, with shore, boat, youth and fly fishing divisions. And this year the tournament is held in loving memory of Wendy Northup,” said tournament host, Capt. Chris Willi of Block Island Fish Works, a bait & tackle shop and charter fishing business located on the island.

The tournament will start at 5:30 a.m., Saturday, July 27, and end Sunday, July 28, at noon. There will be an ‘After Party’ at Capt. Nick’s Rock & Roll Bar, Block Island, on Sunday, July 28, from 2 to 4 p.m. with a brief tournament awards ceremony.

“This is a length only Tournament. When registering online, participants download our tournament app on their phone. When they want to make a tournament entry, they take a photo of their catch up against the tournament-supplied ruler and send their entry into the tournament electronically,” said Capt. Willi. “So it is not necessary to attend the ‘After Party’ to receive your tournament prize. Winners will be posted online. Limited dockage may be available after the tournament for four to five hours in Old Harbor at the Town Dock. Contact the Dockmaster on Ch. 12. Those attending the ‘after party’ will get a chance to win one of twenty $100 tackle shop gift cards.”

Tournament entry fees are $150 per boat for up to four anglers, $35/person for additional anglers; and $35/shore angler.

Tournament highlights include: cash cards/swag/and sponsor prizes totalling $10,000, with separate divisions for fluke, black sea bass, striped bass and bluefish, with boat, shore, fly fishing, youth, team and photo categories. Register online at BI Inshore Tourney | bi-fishworks ( . For additional information, contact Block Island Fish Works at or 401-742-3992.

NOAA rethinks recreational
fishing data collection

NOAA Fisheries is holding an online workshop to “re-envision” the nation’s state-regional-federal recreational fisheries data collection program and partnership, known as the Marine Recreational Information Program (MRIP). The program has suffered significant data accuracy challenges over the years, and NOAA Fisheries aims to improve it.

Two public workshops will be held to engage recreational fishing community leaders and garner their input on the subject. Participants only need to attend one of the sessions, as the presentations will be the same. The webinars will provide an overview of the re-envisioning effort,  including the proposed process outline with milestones, and offer an opportunity for participants to discuss the approach and to ask questions.

“A Briefing on a Collaborative Vision for a Modernized Recreational Fisheries Data Partnership” will take place on Wednesday, May 29, from 1 to 2 p.m. Video call link at

The second session is on Thursday, May 30, from 3 to 4 p.m. ET. Google Meet joining info: Video call link at

Where’s the bite?

Freshwater fishing: Anglers continue to find trout in stocked ponds in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. The largemouth bass bite is outstanding too, as the fish are still in the pre-spawn mode.

Striped bass and bluefish

East End Eddie Doherty, Cape Cod Canal fishing expert and author, said, “Victor Villar reeled in a 28-inch striper while bouncing a green mack Savage off the bottom of an incoming breaking tide. Jack Gagnon landed his first fish ever in the Cape Cod Canal and it was a slot! Bass are moving in and out of the east end to feed on a good size school of mackerel. Lots of slots were caught in the west end, as well as some stripers up to 20 pounds, mostly on jigs.”

Declan O’Donnell of Breachway Bait & Tackle, Charlestown, said, “There have been a good sized fish moving through our waters. Bass have been taking eels in Breachways, especially at slack tide. Customers are reporting that the sizes have been mixed with people catching fish from the low 20-inch range up to the low 40-inch range. The Worm Hatch continues. A lot more worms still need to hatch.”

Angler Dave Gordon said, “Went out Saturday and were into some nice bass right away. Me and my son caught 12 to 15 nice bass to 37 inches, all on top water, all just north of Hope Island to the mouth of East Greenwich Bay. The birds were working everywhere, and we were marking lots of bait and bass.”


Tautog fishing continues to improve. “The Tautog bite has been off and on. Getting mixed reports from both shore and boat fisherman. They are there just have to be patient and maybe try a few spots,” said Declan O’Donnell of Breachway Bait & Tackle.

Henault of Ocean State Tackle, said, “A customer caught a six-pound tautog, his first keeper, at India Point Park, Providence, this week.”

“Squid fishing has been on and off from the shore and from boats in the Newport Bridge area, with Capt. Brandon Hagopian reporting a good squid bite off Rhode Island’s southern coastal beaches,” said Dave Henault of Ocean State Tackle.

Dave Monti holds a master captain’s license and charter fishing license. He serves on a variety of boards and commissions and has a consulting business focusing on clean oceans, habitat preservation, conservation, renewable energy, and fisheries related issues and clients. Forward fishing news and photos to or visit

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email