Alleged assailant in Warren nursing home sexual assault case has license revoked

RIDOH nullifies Smithfield man's ability to work as a CNA; faces charges in Superior Court

By Mike Rego
Posted 11/6/24

A Smithfield man charged with sexual assault of a female residing in a Warren nursing home has had his license to be employed in the field revoked by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

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Alleged assailant in Warren nursing home sexual assault case has license revoked

RIDOH nullifies Smithfield man's ability to work as a CNA; faces charges in Superior Court


A Smithfield man charged with sexual assault of a female residing in a Warren nursing home has had his license to be employed in the field revoked by the Rhode Island Department of Health.

As first reported by the new website GoLocalProv, Erick Sajche Meza, 32, failed to appear at a hearing on his status before the RIDOH on October 16.

Upon an investigation by a member of the department, Laura Serapiglia, and after Meza's no-show to the hearing, RIDOH issued the following statement: "(Serapiglia) ascertained the discrepancy in the time between what time the resident thought the assault occurred and the time on the video showing (Meza) entering the resident's room was due to the room clock being inaccurate.

"She testified the resident would have been able to see the inaccurate clock from her bed. She also testified that she determined that the time (Meza) spent in the room at the time of the assault was longer than would have been needed for what he should have been doing for the resident and her roommate.

"She testified that it should have just taken a couple of minutes rather than 16 minutes for him to do the actual required duties in the room at that time."

Meza was arrested by Rhode Island State Police back on July 16 on an outstanding warrant for second degree sexual assault and taken to its Lincoln Barracks. He was then transferred into custody of Warren Police and transported to District Court that same morning.

He was later arraigned and released on a $10,000 assureity and required to post $1,000. The court instituted a non-domestic no-contact order.

The criminal investigation is in the remit of the Office of the Rhode Island Attorney General. Meza has a pre-arraignment conference scheduled in Superior Court for November 13. There is the potential for a plea agreement to come from the conference. If not, Meza will be arraigned once again and the case will move forward.

Warren Police initiated the investigation upon responding to a sexual assault complaint the Grace Barker Nursing Home on July 4.

Upon arrival, officers were told by staff a 76-year-old female resident had reported a Certified Nurses Assistant, CNA, made inappropriate contact.

Investigators determined through the testimony of the victim and via the nursing home's surveillance cameras Meza entered her room during the nighttime rounds and departed a short time later.

During that time, the victim alleged Meza mounted her and engaged in a simulated sex act.

Questioned by police about the incident multiple times, the victim's recollection of the events remained consistent. Warren Police subsequently issued the warrant for Meza's arrest.

Contacted on November 6 for a comment on the current status of the case, Warren Police Lieutenant Christopher Perrault, the department's public information officer, said there was nothing new to report and any further inquiries would need to go through the AG's office.

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.