Fishing Report
72 results total, viewing 26 - 50
It is my honor to be the guest speaker at the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association seminar Monday, March 25,   at 7 p.m. at the West Warwick Elks, 60   Cyle St., West Warwick. The … more
I love it when a plan comes together.   Scott Travers, executive director of the R.I. Saltwater Anglers Association, and his board of directors did an outstanding job with the New England … more
The New England Saltwater Fishing Show is Friday, March 8, to Sunday, March 11, at the Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence. If you like to fish on the salt, you are in for a big treat. … more
At press time the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island were all still seeking public comment and input on 2024 fishing regulations for saltwater fishing. So, the regulations list for … more
The Department of Environmental Management (DEM)  announced spring programs scheduled to connect Rhode Islanders with our state’s beautiful natural resources. From vernal pool night to … more
The University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography held an online seminar last Wednesday, titled “Recreational Fishing and Offshore Wind Energy: Understanding the Changing … more
It is not often you get a win, win when engaging in fisheries research. But the Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation   (CFRF) is trying to find out what impact offshore wind farms have on … more
Shark depredation, the full or partial consumption of a hooked fish by a shark before it is landed, is an increasing source of human and wildlife conflict in recreational fisheries. This summer and … more
\NOAA Fisheries announced the annual opening of a Seasonal Management Area (SMA) in Cape Cod Bay to protect North Atlantic right whales starting on Jan. 1, 2024, to May 15, 2024.   All vessels … more
The Rhody Fly Rodders, the oldest chartered saltwater fly club in America, is holding a 60th Anniversary Banquet Celebration Saturday, Jan. 20, at 1 Wright’s Farm Restaurant, 84 Inman … more
Sometimes there is a silver lining and good things come out of a bad situation. Last week anglers met with Janet Coit, assistant administrator and chief of NOAA Fisheries and her staff, to talk about … more
Hats off to Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse and his staff for putting together the Energy, Environment and Oceans Leaders Day, Friday, Dec. 1, at the Rhode Island Convention Center. This is the 14th year the … more
I have made a lot of friends fishing but have made just as many at coffee shops. Sorry to say my coffee friend Marc passed away Saturday after fighting pancreatic cancer for over a year. Fishing … more
The Atlantic coastal states of Maine through Virginia have scheduled hearings to gather public input on Draft Addendum II to Amendment 7 to the Interstate Fishery Management Plan for Atlantic Striped … more
The Department of Environmental Management (DEM) announced its winter season of outdoor programs, from fly tying to wild game cooking classes. The Aquatic Resource Education, Hunter … more
Fishing for tautog (also called black fish) has been outstanding in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.   The fish are abundant and quite large. Anglers are allowed just one trophy fish, … more
NOAA Fisheries has released a comprehensive population viability analysis for North Atlantic right whales, along with 2023 population estimate. The analysis allows users to project how the total … more
Last week I was one of eight recreational fishermen who met with Rep. Seth Magaziner and his staff in their Warwick office to talk about habitat, fish and recreational fishing.   He met with us … more
Fall is a great time to fish, and it is getting better every day. Last week the tuna bite for school tuna was outstanding. Reports had as many as 40 school tuna being caught and released by one … more
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is conducting fall trout stocking, in advance of the Columbus Day holiday weekend, in selected areas in Rhode Island from Thursday, … more
There is nothing like explosive surface action from Atlantic bonito and false albacore. Last week anglers fishing in the Pt. Judith area were treated to non-stop action on Thursday, just a … more
The U.S. House Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2024 will have a devastating impact on fish and habitat, as it reduces funding by 14 percent for NOAA Fisheries, a cut of $900 million. Yet our … more
If you are a woman, and think you want to learn how to fly fish, now is the time to give it a try at the Women’s Introductory Fly Fishing Clinic, Saturday, Sept. 23, from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. … more
Striped bass , bluefish and false albacore. East End Eddie Doherty, Cape Cod Canal fishing expert and author, said, “Experienced surf rat Andrew Kuznarowis from Centerville had a very … more
Anglers have reported (more than usual) sharks attacking their catch before they are able to bring it to the boat. Anglers are urged to use caution when reaching in or near the water to bring in … more
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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.