Letter: Disappointing to read such a hateful letter in the Times

Posted 11/5/24

We are deeply saddened by the recent letter to the editor in last week’s Sakonnet Times that was loaded with hateful, misleading and inaccurate information.  

Since hosting Little …

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Letter: Disappointing to read such a hateful letter in the Times


We are deeply saddened by the recent letter to the editor in last week’s Sakonnet Times that was loaded with hateful, misleading and inaccurate information.  

Since hosting Little Compton’s first Pride event in 2021, it has become increasingly clear to us that our community is far more welcoming and supportive than some may believe.

At Love Wins Coastal, we strongly advocate for policies within our public schools that uplift and protect the rights of our LGBTQ+ children and families. It is our responsibility to ensure that every child has access to a safe adult in their school environment.

Research has shown that LGBTQ+ youth who have a trusted adult are significantly less likely to experience suicidal thoughts and behaviors. 
When discussions arise around the idea of “back to the basics,” we must remember the importance of inclusivity. History has taught us that individuals who do not conform to traditional norms have often been marginalized and made to feel ashamed rather than celebrated for their unique contributions.

We firmly believe that any individual who holds views aligned with the sentiments expressed in the letter should not be involved in policy-making within our public school systems or towns. We must continue to embrace acceptance and inclusion, and we need leaders who respect the dignity and rights of all individuals. As neighbors, we may have differing opinions on various matters; however, basic human rights should never be a point of contention.

We encourage all members of the Little Compton community to support candidates who are committed to protecting policies that ensure all children feel accepted and safe in school. 
Together, we can work toward a future where love and acceptance prevail. 

Megan Gonzalez, of Love Wins Coastal
Little Compton

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Mike Rego has worked at East Bay Newspapers since 2001, helping the company launch The Westport Shorelines. He soon after became a Sports Editor, spending the next 10-plus years in that role before taking over as editor of The East Providence Post in February of 2012. To contact Mike about The Post or to submit information, suggest story ideas or photo opportunities, etc. in East Providence, email mrego@eastbaymediagroup.com.