The Little Compton Town Council has periodically discussed the short-term rental (STR) situation in town, but they have not yet taken action. The time has come. The town council should explore …
The book "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson was written in 1962 — 60 years ago. She tried to spread the word that we were destroying our planet and we needed to start paying attention. There was …
Editor’s note: Pamela Huzienga, the incoming owner of the Barn and owner since last year of Simmons Cafe and Market in Adamsville, shared this update with the community Tuesday morning: …
We are deeply saddened by the recent letter to the editor in last week’s Sakonnet Times that was loaded with hateful, misleading and inaccurate information. Since hosting Little …
Beginning in May of this year, this newspaper has refused to publish letters to the editor about national politics, stating that such letters must focus on local issues and news only. Citizen …