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Hey Now... I didn't fire or eliminate the Town Planner... Just cut it back... That's all! And this isn't a personal vendetta, although I've heard a ton more negative than positive about her performance: To be honest: I wouldn't know her if I saw her.

Everyone needs to remember a few things:

1. Grants are not Free Money! It's merely taxes you've already, or will some day be required to pay. Look at your paycheck: That line that says "Federal"... This is part of where that money goes.

2. There's this notion that money from grant's covers her salary: NEWSFLASH: IT DOESN'T: The money goes towards the project and can anyone think of any project that's been completed Under or At Budget in our town? Where do you think that overage come from?... Once again: OUR TAX DOLLARS.

3. Someone mentioned about the Harbor Master getting a raise. He didn't get a raise: The numbers were simply aligned properly for the first time in who knows how long. Not to mention that since the new harbor master has started (only a few months ago): the town has benefited from over $75k in revenue that has been dormant because of previous harbor master. Not to mention there was money sitting in accounts from the past years to make desperate repairs to our revenue generating fishing berths, some of which had fallen so far into disrepair it was dangerous and paying customers were leaving to dock their boat elsewhere: (They pay money to the town to use the space... just saying) Those repairs are in process now... because we have someone who cares.

4. As far as the Building Official: This town is not getting any bigger, and there's not a lot of projects going on. The guy leaving barely did his job. If the town starts to prove to be prosperous again, then we can talk about the job needs and if we need to go full time, but there are cities and towns all across the country that are bigger and have more residents and 1 full time building official. We'll make do. This would be a great part-time position for an older person who lives in warren, who perhaps has retired from a similar trade and is looking for a part time; do some good and keep busy job. It will work out. We'll all be fine.

REMEMBER: I did not single-handedly wipe out these positions. I was the only one bold enough to walk down to the microphone. The Quorum voted, and the cuts were made. Were you there? Did you see the people coming down with more suggestions for cuts? Why didn't you come down and speak?

Some guy sitting in the front row, slouched in his seat, started asking me questions and criticizing me and attempting to insult me: What's sad is he didn't have the balls to walk up to the mic himself, announce his name and where he's from and voice his opinion correctly. Maybe that's cause he wasn't supposed to be sitting there? idk

I originally suggested 5% across the board... The rules forced me to come down and make specific cuts to line items.

The above response from the Town Planner is the most I've ever heard from her. Time for change. Don't like the job or salary? Good Bye! Plenty of far more talented and qualified people who will do the job.

Does anyone even realize that the Fire Department Grants that have been secured over the past decade, totaling in the MILLIONS have been written by a volunteer? The town hasn't so much as given the guy a free cup of coffee or a dinner, let alone a salary... In fact: He lives in Warren!! WOAH!!! What a concept! Someone From the Town, doing something for the Town... FOR FREE!!!

I would also like to correct our Treasurer, which I regret not recognizing what he had stated until it was too late: The Tax Assessor IS NOT 100% Responsible for the revenue the town receives. Third Party Billing from the Fire Department consistently brings well over $300k annually to our town. That money goes into the General Fund. The equipment is getting old, ambulances are beginning to break down, but our Fire Chief is doing everything he can, to keep it together. Harbor Master and his department bring in funding as well. There are other departments that bring in funding. I'll give credit to the Town Planner who's brought some in, but again, We're a small town: It can be done Part Time.

I almost Forgot!!! You've all heard of Google, Bing, Amazon, Kindle, and iTunes, right? Of Course You have!

Heads up George Hail Library: You might want to start your private fundraising now.... because $400k+ for a town library is a steep price. (yes, half of that is matching grants... right... FROM YOUR STATE & FEDERAL TAX DOLLARS PAID)

Lastly: No, I will not be running for town council. I don't have time. I have to work so I can pay my property tax and vehicle tax, pay for repairs to my vehicles because the roads in town are horrible. - Side Note; when I called the Town Managers office to inform them about the Free piece of equipment being given away to each city & town in the state by a RI Company. 1: It took a week to get a call back, and 2: I was told by the Town Manager that maybe I need to buy a more expensive vehicle with better suspension. -While that comment may have been made "Tounge-in-Cheek" I found it to be rather offensive.

So it seems as though people are starting to pay attention now. That may subside, but believe me, I don't think we'll ever see a Non-Quorum Financial Meeting- Just pass it budget again.

I've made some noise, and people are noticing: Let's keep it going!

From: In Warren, a financial blood letting

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Jim McGaw

A lifelong Portsmouth resident, Jim graduated from Portsmouth High School in 1982 and earned a journalism degree from the University of Rhode Island in 1986. He's worked two different stints at East Bay Newspapers, for a total of 18 years with the company so far. When not running all over town bringing you the news from Portsmouth, Jim listens to lots and lots and lots of music, watches obscure silent films from the '20s and usually has three books going at once. He also loves to cook crazy New Orleans dishes for his wife of 25 years, Michelle, and their two sons, Jake and Max.