Democracy is messy because everyone has an opinion. Governing in a democracy is hard because finding common ground among swirling opinions is often exceedingly contentious. This dilemma can …
To the editor: This is the most dangerous time of year for Rhode Islanders. It is when the legislature is back in session and the politicians gather to play their games. Every year, our …
I only caught the Town Council meeting on Monday, Jan. 13 on YouTube, and so may have missed something, but I didn't hear those candidates who ran on all that …
To the editor: The new majority on the Town Council ran on a platform of “fiscally sound decision making,” but now they’re driving the town into a lawsuit that could cost …
To the editor: Proper respect for the decision of the electors suggests that those who are vanquished should hold their tongue. However, good stewardship compels comment when successors are …