To the editor: The Portsmouth Council’s majority has for some time treated some of the citizens who appear before them with indifference and, to an alarming extent, with outright contempt. …
To the editor: I would like to respond to the Sept. 26 Portsmouth Times article about a local candidates forum that included myself, David M. Gleason, an incumbent Republican candidate seeking two …
To the editor: The Portsmouth Council’s majority has for some time treated some of the citizens who appear before them with indifference and, to an alarming extent, with outright contempt. …
To the editor: 02871 has numerous great views, throughout our town. I am not a fan of sign pollution. In 2015, RIDOT installed 215 Rhode Works signs. We had 19 in Portsmouth. They are gone! …
To the editor: If you’ve driven by the old Anne Hutchinson school on Bristol Ferry Road recently, you may have noticed all the construction activity. It’s been several years in the …