How many of deaths were caused by a violation of our current safe storage law?
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To the editor:
In response to the March 21 article on “safe” gun storage, whether you are pro-gun or anti-gun we can all agree we are pro-child and pro-safety. We can protect kids by modeling good behavior, providing education and demonstrating honesty.
We all may have differing views, but it’s never right to alter facts to influence your audience to your way of thinking. We need to respect each other, be pragmatic and tell the truth. It’s good to have different views, and it shows why diversity should be celebrated in this great country we live in. This demonstrates that you do not always have to agree with each other to respect each other. Sometimes the effort to gain an understanding of another’s perspective is the most valuable path.
The use of the phrase “Nationwide, firearms are the number one killer of children” is inaccurate and misleading. It includes children through age 18, as well as homicides and gang violence. This statement is then “misused” to support a safe storage law that will not have any impact to this. Fact of the matter is, guns are neither safe nor unsafe by themselves. When gun owners learn and practice responsible gun ownership, guns are safe.
Instead, the readership should ask: How many of those tragic deaths were caused by a violation of our current safe storage law? Are our legislators certified in gun safety or are they operating on “feelings”? Have they been trained?
If you’re anti-gun, it’s probably okay with you if a state senator is misleading voters in this manner. But what if that same senator is misleading you on another topic that you support? Regardless, a senator should not mislead anyone on any topic.
If a current law is proven to be ineffective, then change it. But don’t spread misinformation. Would you take driving advice or public road transportation law suggestions from someone that hasn’t gotten a drivers license? Of course not.
Those weighing in on a topic of firearms should first get the training they deserve to ensure they are qualified and properly educated BEFORE expressing an opinion. Pick any topic in society that you don’t agree with, respect the other party and educate yourself first. But you know what? This isn’t required, because we live in the greatest country in the world thanks to our Constitution, giving us freedoms, liberties and justice for all.
Jason Perusek