To the editor:
If we continue to be the leading nation of the world, then certainly our politicians are the most powerful people in civil discourse.
Then how is it one party kowtows …
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To the editor:
If we continue to be the leading nation of the world, then certainly our politicians are the most powerful people in civil discourse.
Then how is it one party kowtows to a carnival barker and the other party props up a “Weekend at Bernie’s” character?
Our political leaders have failed us. In whose world have they presented us with the absolute best amongst themselves? The highbrow, morally superior have no fortitude to reject a bully. The protectors of the people disgrace an elderly man by keeping him center stage well beyond his time.
We need to draft an amendment to the Constitution to incentivize our political class to move away from this madness wherein winning is their singular goal as opposed to good governance. We the people need a mechanism to reject this stupidity.
I would propose an amendment to our Constitution. We require a new candidate on every ballot. Meet “None of the Above.” When “NA” wins the majority of a ballot, it’s game over for the other candidates. NA’s victory would trigger a one-year continuation of the present governance and the immediate restart of the process with one key difference. No candidate that lost could proffer themselves as a candidate in the follow on election.
With this new stratagem, perhaps we could turn the tables on the political elites who now fail us. Our elections should not be hold-your-nose affairs or “I vote for the lesser of two evils,” or “I only vote for A because she/he blocks B.” I’ve got no problem being offered mediocre choices, but being offered the worst possible choices needs to end.
Scott Boyd
20 Kensington Ave.