The ridiculous smear tactic to associate Democrats with ‘antifa,’ including Town Council candidate Bethany Sousa Foster, as Steve Annarummo suggested in his Oct. 1 letter to the edito r, …
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The ridiculous smear tactic to associate Democrats with ‘antifa,’ including Town Council candidate Bethany Sousa Foster, as Steve Annarummo suggested in his Oct. 1 letter to the editor, is just shameful.
Lest Mr. Annarummo forgets, the U.S. fought against fascism in World War II. It is defined as “authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power with forcible suppression of opposition.” I think most of us are against fascism, because we are supporters of democracy in this country.
Although the name ‘antifa’ comes from anti-fascism, it is associated with extremists on the left, some of whom resort to violence; there are even larger numbers of violent extremist groups on the right. The vast majority of us support peaceful protests as part of our right to free speech and would never want to have anything to do with violence.
As for Black Lives Matter, their nonviolent mission has already been discussed many times in this paper, at Bristol Town Council meetings, on the internet, and through multiple other media sources, making it easy to research and form your own opinion after considering all viewpoints.
I have worked with Ms. Foster for several years and know that she is a compassionate, caring, and intelligent woman, whose goals center around helping and supporting those in need. It’s easy to find out more about her by going to her website and seeing for yourself that her priorities are for education, the environment, small businesses, seniors, and tolerance and inclusivity for everyone in our community.
She is a kind and civic-minded native Bristolian running for public office to serve her community and does not deserve to be accused of supporting violence.
MaryKae Wright
Ms. Wright is an officer in the Bristol Democratic Town Committee.