Standing under, and for, this Colored Umbrella, our Flag, our Freedom...May it always be.
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To the editor:
I like the red
She the blue
And he the white
No one be wrong
All blessed with choice
And inalienable rights
Like an umbrella shielding harsh rain
These colors never run
Carried in battle
And covering man’s final home
Immediately recognized
An icon, globally saying WE
And not I
Saluted in the North, East, South and West
And everywhere in-between
A symbol of unity
Weaved with bloody fiber
And rare strength
Each stripe a steppingstone …
To each star
With every state standing proud
And often uniquely different
Until … it counts
Then, across this land
From small towns to big cities
And shorelines to mountaintops
All respond as one
Standing under, and for … this Colored Umbrella
OUR Flag
OUR Freedom
May it always be …
James Meehan
Ferry Road