Former Barrington Town Council member volunteers for DEI Committee

Veterans advisory committee now has five members

By Josh Bickford
Posted 1/16/25

Members of the Barrington Town Council appointed a handful of volunteers to serve on five different boards and commissions during the council meeting on Jan. 13.  

Among the appointees was …

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Former Barrington Town Council member volunteers for DEI Committee

Veterans advisory committee now has five members


Members of the Barrington Town Council appointed a handful of volunteers to serve on five different boards and commissions during the council meeting on Jan. 13. 

Among the appointees was a former council member — Jacob Brier, who applied for a seat on the Barrington Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. Brier was elected to the Barrington Town Council in 2018 and served until 2022. 

During the Jan. 13 meeting, Barrington Town Council President Braxton Cloutier recalled a previous meeting when Brier was on the council and Cloutier was applying to serve on the Barrington Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. Cloutier said the situation had come full-circle. 

The council voted 5-0 to appoint Brier to the Barrington DEI Committee.

In addition to Brier’s appointment, the council also filled vacant seats on the Barrington Economic Development Commission, the Resilience and Energy Committee, the Veterans Advisory Committee, and the Bristol County Water Authority. 

David Fales earned the appointment to the water authority board of directors, while Jessica Jacoby Lemos was named to the EDC. The council appointed Shannon Boyle and Amy Herlihy to the veterans advisory committee, which gave the newly-formed committee enough members to hold a meeting. The veterans advisory committee will include 10 members — seven are voting members and five of the voting members must be veterans. 

With the recent appointments, the committee now has five members. 

The council also appointed Crystal Casey and Kathryn Hyams to the resilience and energy committee. There was a slight pause before the council appointed Casey and Hyams — it seemed that a typo on the memo provided to the council members listed only one vacancy on the resilience and energy committee, when there was actually three vacancies. 

Shortly after councilor Kate Berard made a motion to appoint Hyams to the committee, Barrington Town Manager Phil Hervey pointed out the typo. 

Council members shared a sigh of relief in not having to turn away one of the applicants. Berard then changed her motion to appoint both Hyams and Casey to the committee. Council members voted 5-0 to approve the motion.

Interested in applying?

The town has been looking to fill vacancies on upwards of 12 and 13 boards recently. In fact, a press release from the clerk’s office in December 2024 listed 12 boards with openings: the Board of Canvassers, the Board of Assessment Review, the Board of Library Trustees, Bristol County Water Authority, the DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) Committee, the Economic Development Commission, the Housing Board of Trustees, the Resilience and Energy Committee, Senior Services Advisory Board, Technical Review Committee, Veterans Advisory Committee, and the Zoning Board of Review. 

Anyone interested in applying to a local board or commission, can obtain an application on the town’s website at, at the Town Clerk's Office at Barrington Town Hall, or at the library.

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